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Employee Recognition Programs

Taking the initiative to say thank you is still a relatively untapped leadership strategy. Yet recognition is probably one of the most powerful job motivators that we have available to us; its simplicity, impact and flexibility are almost boundless. Recognition programs that encourage employees to show appreciation for everyone’s efforts can improve working relationships and business results. But such programs should be run in conjunction with manager feedback, experts stress.

We recently instituted a “peer-to-peer” recognition program entitled “YOU ROCK.”  The “YOU ROCK” program is simple to administer and flexible when it comes to what actions are recognized.

Here’s how it works

–           A team member at any level, can fill out a blank “YOU ROCK” card thanking a coworker for something specific they did that went “above and beyond.”

–          That team member notes the recognition in a quarterly log

–          The recipient receives a card AND a $5 gift card from Target.

–           At the end of each quarter, the team member with the most “YOU ROCK” cards wins a dinner for two at a local eatery.

–          A summary is also distributed at the end of each quarter that provides an overview of the great work that had been recognized for that quarter.

Why is peer-to-peer effective?

What are the typical interactions and contacts that you have during the course of that day? Most people will spend the majority of their people time (a 90-10 ratio is probably reasonable for most staffers) interacting with peers and customers not with management. In other words, the peer group has much more of an opportunity to influence how an employee feels about his or her contribution (the individual’s self esteem) than does the manager.

Many companies have some type of recognition program for the most part and these programs are controlled by management.  Very few of these companies have processes which encourage all employees to take the initiative to recognize each other’s work contributions at a peer-to-peer level.

Elements for a successful peer-to-peer recognition program

Align with Business Values. What contributions from employees are important to your business? Many times these factors can be based on the organization’s core values.  In addition, the team should develop an understanding of what each member expects from the team.

Be Inclusive. In an effective peer recognition program, any coworker can nominate a peer for going above and beyond.

Reward Appropriately. Sometimes a simple “thanks” is all it takes to make someone’s day, and sometimes you need something more, such as a physical object (like a “YOU ROCK” card).

The Nomination Process. Keep it simple and empower the entire team.

It’s easy to see how a workplace where employees show each other appreciation would be a more pleasant place to work.  Employees who recognize each other show greater respect and tend to act more cooperatively. Respect and cooperation create a happier, more productive workplace—an obvious benefit for individuals and managers.

Categories: Announcements
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  1. July 30, 2010 at 3:02 pm

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